Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School
We are looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow.
Drop off and Pick up for children in Years 1 to 4: From tomorrow we are reverting back to arrangements that were in place prior to the pandemic in 2020.  From tomorrow, all children in Years 1,2,3 and 4 will come in to school and be collected from the lower playground.  The upper playground, Trim Trail, Tyre Park etc can still be accessed before school for children and families.  Once the bell rings if children can make their way to their entrance when their teachers comes out on to the playground. Years 1 and 2 entrances remain the same.  Year 3 children will access the entrance at the end of the playground by the Year 3 classrooms and Year 4 children will come in through the same entrance as Year 1 – the double blue Courtyard doors will be open for plenty of space.  Timings are the same with doors opening at 8.40 and will close at 8.50.  The end of the day is 3.05pm and the children will come out the same entrance as the morning.
Year 4 start swimming on Thursday 14th September for 10 weeks.  Letters will be sent home this week, so please check your child’s bookbag.
Some classes will have PE this week-Year 3 on Friday and Year 4  on Thursday.  Curriculum information and and Home School Diaries will have the days for your child regarding PE and Forest School for this term.  Expectations for PE clothing is either a white t-shirt/school colour t-shirt (with or without logo) and plain tracksuit bottoms/shorts in either grey/navy or black.  Please send your child in the appropriate clothing for PE.
A newsletter will be sent home in the coming weeks with further updates including the amazing fundraising the school community did in the Summer Term for Guide Dogs.
See you all tomorrow.