Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

PHSE Meeting

Mrs Hirst will be holding a PHSE meeting on Wednesday 22nd May at 2.15pm in the school hall. The meeting is to inform parents/carers what will be taught during PHSE lessons next half term. This will cover the RSE curriculum to include body parts, gender stereotypes,...
Blackwell – One Final Blog

Blackwell – One Final Blog

Well there we have it… our time at Blackwell has come to an end and after 3 days of activities from 8am until 8pm, we are all ready for our beds. The children have tried 14 new activities and have amazed us in every single one. Their behaviour has been incredible and...
Good Morning from Blackwell

Good Morning from Blackwell

Good Morning! We’re all packed up and enjoying pancakes for breakfast. The children were incredible last night, with not a single sound between 9.30pm and 6.30am! We had to wake up nearly 20 children at 7.30 this morning! Will blog again at lunch....
Day 2 – Evening

Day 2 – Evening

Our evening started with a trip to the shop where children picked some souvenirs! We then went to a very lively campfire with children joining in with a range of songs and actions. We toasted marshmallows too! All children were in bed and quiet by half 9
Day 2 pm

Day 2 pm

We have been climbing, shooting, swinging, descending and zip wiring this afternoon! Some really challenging activities but the year 4s have  been amazing! We’ve enjoyed pasta for tea with chocolate brownie and we’re all excited about campfire later!
Day 2 am

Day 2 am

The sun is shining and we have had an action packed morning! Children have really enjoyed themselves and we’re now having lunch.
Good Morning from Blackwell

Good Morning from Blackwell

We are up and enjoying breakfast after a night of surprisingly good sleep! Everybody was so exhausted last night that lights out was 9pm with children asleep by half 10. We even had to wake one group up at half 7 this morning! We are all really looking forward to a...
Day 1 – Evening

Day 1 – Evening

We rounded off our first day with such a fun evening. It started with a quiz, each correct answer getting us one egg pound to spend at the egg shop. Here we could buy resources to protect our eggs which were then thrown off the top of the abseil tower. 5 out of 11...