Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School


To enable your child to excel at reading, they will have school reading books to share with you at home. Their main reading book will be allocated via Phonics Bug; log in details can be found inside the front cover of your child’s home-school diary.

This book will match the sounds they are learning in school phonics lessons. A second, physical book will be sent home alongside this. Books are colour banded at an appropriate level for your child’s current fluency and comprehension attainment.

The table on page 16 of your child’s Home-School Diary shows which band they are currently on. This book will contain mostly words your child can read on sight or decode, however they may need support to read some words as they won’t have necessarily learnt all the sounds included yet. Please ensure children bring their reading book to school daily along with their Home-School Diary.

Phonics Bug books will be allocated weekly online. Physical books can be changed on a Monday and Thursday enabling time to read them more than once at home to improve fluency.

Don’t forget to record any reading your child does, whether a school book or a home book, in your child’s Home-School Diary. There are suggestions for appropriate reading comments on page 13 of your child’s Home-School Diary and key reading skills on pages 114-115.

The table on page 16 of the Home School Diary provides a break down of how children move through the book bands. Children will spend much longer on some coloured bands than others due to how the book banding system links to their learning.

If you have any questions about how else you can support your child’s reading journey, please speak to their class teacher. There is further information about how phonics is taught at Tenacres on the school website as well as in your child’s Home-School Diary on pages 110.


Mrs Purkess – English Co-ordinator for Tenacres