Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

Sport England’s Active Lives Children and Young People Survey Classes Deers and Otters Sport England are looking to measure engagement in, and attitudes towards, sport and physical activity among children.

Our school has agreed to take part in this research and your child’s class has been selected to take part in the survey. Your child will carry out the survey in school by completing a very simple online questionnaire with their teacher.

In addition to the children taking part in the survey, Sport England would also like parents to complete an online questionnaire about your child. This will supplement the answers your child gives with more detailed information. You can complete the survey at home by clicking on this link. URL: https://ipsos.uk/NONZKCU

We will also get school credits worth £10 to spend on PE equipment for every parent who takes part.

Thank you, Mrs Duffy (PE co-ordinator)