Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

Pupils of the Term

Well done to all of our Pupils of the Term who were voted by the members of their class.  The criteria included being kind, helpful, a good friend, somebody who just makes every day for their class tip top tastic!

Pupils of the Term: Dylan, Arianna, Hudson, Ellie, Max, Hallie, Emry, Birdie, Liam, Rosa, Max, Willow, Jacob, Marley, Lewis, Hanna, Bradley, Peighton, Beth and Ethan.

Easter Competition Winners

We are always amazed at the number of entries we have for competitions and the variety of designs and decoration with the Easter Egg were amazing.  T.A.P.S. (Tenacres Problems Solvers) – our Student Council had the difficult task of deciding the winners.  Their criteria included – the effort and the design by the child, a design that simply stood out and gave T.A.P.S the ‘wow’ factor – they are a tough crowd to please!  Children were not allowed to judge their own class/year group and names were hidden whilst judging took place.

Well done to – Maisie, Freya, Imogen, Ivy, Parker, Freddie, Leo, Hazel, Daisy and Katie.

 Pickle and a Guide Dog Update

The children finally voted and decided on the top three names for the guide dog puppy Tenacres will be sponsoring due to your fantastic fundraising.  After discussions with the Guide Dog charity ‘Rainbow’ will be the name.  We will be informed when the puppy has been born with photos and all the information.  Sponsoring and naming a puppy also means we will have regular updates including footage of the puppy’s journey.  Originally it was going to be a puppy from Pickle’s next litter.  Due to the extent of all with Pickle’s first litter the Guide Dog vets have decided to retired Pickle from breeding.

However, we have some fantastic news…….Pickle has been officially adopted by Mick and Jo and will remain at Tenacres with us!

Summer Fayre……maybe!

After the support and success of the Christmas Fayre organised by Jo Weaver there has been initial discussions about a Summer Fayre.  This is a massive undertaking and requires volunteers that can help with the planning, the lead up and the actual day.  If you want to get involved let Miss Marshall know via head@tenacres.worcs.sch.uk.  Alternatively, if you have any contacts such as….you know somebody that does bouncy castles, games stalls etc etc please let us know.

Change of date – Sport’s Days

We informed via the Blog and text message in February that Sport’s Day dates in the Home School Diary have had to be changed due to the Redditch Transition of Year 4.  Sports Days are now:

Reception – Tuesday July 2nd am

Years 1 and 2 – Thursday 4th July am

Years 3 and 4 – Friday 5th July am.

More details will follow.

Website Revamp

Over the next half term the school website will be having a ‘revamp and refresh’.  Please let us know if there is anything else you would find useful to be on the website.  We are hoping the blog will be more of a live stream on the front page as we tend to use the blog rather than a paper newsletter.

Year 4 Blackwell Residential

It is not long until our Year 4 adventurers are off and away for their Blackwell experience.  They leave on Wednesday 10th April until Friday 12th April.  Mrs Dearden and Mrs Duffy will send updates on the Blog.  As always, we will send a text messages to Parents and Carers during their stay such as when they arrive etc.  Just a reminder that parents and carers are collecting on the Friday as detailed in the information pack.

Luca’s Mission

One of our Reception Squirrels, Luca has been raising money to replace equipment that recently got stolen from his Scout Group.  If you would like to contribute, please click the link to Luca’s page. https://gofund.me/1ca76524  Thank you.

Mrs Poynton

Today was Mrs Poynton’s last day before taking her maternity leave.  She has worked extremely hard this half term in making sure everything is in place for Mrs Smart (Hedgehogs class teacher for the Summer Term) after Easter.  We wish Mrs Poynton and her husband very best wishes for their new arrival.

We wish all our children and families a lovely Easter break and fingers crossed the rain will stay away for the Summer Term and we can all look forward to some sunshine!