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This survey needs you!

Please see the following from Sholfins Swim School.  We continue to value the impact they have made on the swimming abilities amongst other aspects of development for our children at Tenacres.  They are passionate about increasing the limited opportunities for Swimming in Redditch.  Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey, this would be extremely appreciated, thank you.
Hi All,
As part of our ongoing working partnership with Tudor Grange Academy Redditch, trying to bring our much loved Kingsley Swimming Pool back in to the community, we are asking as many of our parents, schools and members of the community to support us.
I would be extremely grateful if you could get as many of your teachers, colleagues, friends, families and parents to complete the survey below. We desperately need the pool back for our children & families. We are relying on the community to help to make this happen by being the voice for Redditch and what we need.

Kind regards
Rach & Julie

Summer Fete Raffle

Thank you for the support already shown for the Tenacres Summer Fete due to be held on the school grounds –  Saturday July 6th 12pm-3pm.  Back by popular demand is the raffle.  Please see the photo for just some of the prizes on offer.  Our Year 4 children will be selling raffle tickets from tomorrow (18th June) – £1 per strip during the school day.  They will also be circulating during all the Sport’s Mornings in the coming weeks.  Further information about the Fete will be sent home with a full list of all the stalls, visitors and activities that will be there on the day.

Sports Days

Sports Days for this year (2024) are as follows:

  • Reception – Tuesday 2nd July @ 10am
  • Yrs 1 & 2 – Monday 8th July @ 9.30am
  • Yrs 3 & 4 – Friday 5th July @ 9.30am

Mumps symptoms

Following our message to Reception parents regarding a confirmed case of mumps please see list of symptoms below: Overview (

The symptoms of mumps usually develop 12 to 25 days after becoming infected with the mumps virus (this delay is know as the incubation period). Average incubation period is around 17 days).

Swelling of the parotid glands is the most common symptom of mumps. The parotid glands are a pair of glands responsible for producing saliva. They’re located on either side of your face, just below your ears. Both glands are usually affected by the swelling, although sometimes only one gland is affected. The swelling can cause pain, tenderness and difficulty with swallowing.

More general symptoms often develop a few days before the parotid glands swell. These can include :

  • headache
  • joint pain
  • feeling sick
  • dry mouth
  • mild abdominal pain
  • feeling tired
  • loss of appetite
  • a high temperature

In about 1 in 6 cases, mumps doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms.


If you suspect mumps, it’s important to call your GP.

While the infection isn’t usually serious, mumps has similar symptoms to other, more serious infections, such as glandular fever (Link: and tonsillitis (Link: It’s always best to visit your GP so they can confirm (or rule out) a diagnosis of mumps.

It is also important to let your GP know in advance if you’re coming to the surgery so they can take any necessary precautions to avoid the spread of infection.

Dementia Research Survey-Please read the following.Thank you.

I am a Dementia Researcher completing my PhD at the University of Worcester. and a Tenacres Mum.
I am looking for volunteers that would be willing to complete an element of my research, which is an online survey looking at how we think about, or consider a future with dementia.
I am looking for anyone aged 55 and over that is in a relationship. This could be a marriage, living together, or in a relationship where you live apart. 

About the survey:

  • The survey can be completed on a smartphone, tablet, iPad or computer.
  • The questions are about caregiving in the future, and how dementia is thought about or planned for. Additionally, are questions about the type of relationship you are in.
  • Some of the questions allow for voice recordings for the answers. This will allow longer responses without lots of typing, but are optional if typing the response is preferred.
  • Every question is optional and can be skipped. If you would prefer not to answer some questions that is fine.
  • It is fully anonymous and any voice recordings will be deleted after being transcribed.

Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to consider participating.

If you would be willing to take part, please follow this link:

Dementia Research – Please take part in the survey-see below.

I am a Dementia Researcher completing my PhD at the University of Worcester. and a Tenacres Mom.
I am looking for volunteers that would be willing to complete an element of my research, which is an online survey looking at how we think about, or consider a future with dementia.
I am looking for anyone aged 55 and over that is in a relationship. This could be a marriage, living together, or in a relationship where you live apart. 

About the survey:

  • The survey can be completed on a smartphone, tablet, iPad or computer.
  • The questions are about caregiving in the future, and how dementia is thought about or planned for. Additionally, are questions about the type of relationship you are in.
  • Some of the questions allow for voice recordings for the answers. This will allow longer responses without lots of typing, but are optional if typing the response is preferred.
  • Every question is optional and can be skipped. If you would prefer not to answer some questions that is fine.
  • It is fully anonymous and any voice recordings will be deleted after being transcribed.

Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to consider participating.

If you would be willing to take part, please follow this link:

PHSE Meeting

Mrs Hirst will be holding a PHSE meeting on Wednesday 22nd May at 2.15pm in the school hall. The meeting is to inform parents/carers what will be taught during PHSE lessons next half term. This will cover the RSE curriculum to include body parts, gender stereotypes, relationships etc.

Blackwell- one final blog

Well there we have it… our time at Blackwell has come to an end and after 3 days of activities from 8am until 8pm, we are all ready for our beds.

The children have tried 14 new activities and have amazed us in every single one. Their behaviour has been incredible and so many of the staff at Blackwell have commented how fantastic the Tenacres children are. So a big thank you to all of year 4. We have loved every minute we’ve spent with you.

I’m handing the blog back over to Miss Marshall now.

Blackwell 2024….you have been a blast.