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Year 4 Ipsley Transition

Hi Year 4 For those of you going to Ipsley, Miss Davies  has asked me to share this link with you. There will be more updates for you from them over the next few weeks so you can get to know about Ipsley and the teachers there a little more. ...

Thanks to our heroes

Children in school and those at home have taken part in many different activities to show how grateful we all are for the hard work of key workers. Here are just a few examples of what we’ve been up to: Children of key worker children have made rainbows and...

Seesaw over Easter

Thank you all for your super work over the last week. It’s been so lovely to see many of you keeping busy. We’re really keen for you all to have a well-deserved break over the Easter holidays (especially the adults who are home-schooling!). The plan for...

Seesaw- Online Learning Portal

Guide to Seesaw Welcome to your new virtual classroom! We’ve been very busy behind the scenes setting Seesaw up. We hope you enjoy it just as much we have. We’re looking forward to seeing you all virtually!

Teachers’ email addresses

Hi We’re really keen to keep in touch with children and parents. Below is a list of email addresses if you or child wishes to email their class teacher (we’d love to hear from you all!). Please send photos of what you’ve been up to and any work...


Mr B again… We also have J2E available for the children in Reception to Year 4 to use. It has a range of activities for the children to use for  the different areas of the curriulum – There’s just so many, it’s best to explore! The children...