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Ice Cream Delight!

Well, on such a hot day what better way to celebrate all the children’s and staff’s achievements of this year.  Every child and adult enjoy a chilled treat in the shade! Miss M

Leavers’ photo video

Good morning Well the final day has arrived. Thank you so much for your support yesterday evening. I hope the children enjoyed their party. I know all staff who attended certainly did. As promised, I have uploaded the photo montage from the party. I will ask Miss...

Link to Ipsley information

Hi all Mrs Field has asked me to post a link to further important about our lovely Year 4’s transition to Ipsley. Please take a look. Just to reiterate, this is only for children going to Ipsley. Important info about September arrangements Mr...

Malvern Adventures

Hello all, Mr B has been busy creating a Malvern memory or a 1000. Please click on the link below to view images and videos of all the adventures and challenges the children faced…..maybe making their beds was the most challenging of all. We are all very proud of...

Information for 1D during the bubble closure.

Following on from my earlier text message confirming the positive PCR result Class 1D and staff will now self -isolate until Friday 16th July being the 10th and last day.  Should your child develop any of the COVID symptoms please book a PCR test.  Once a symptom has...