Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

British Values (and SMSC)

At Tenacres First School, we recognise the importance of the impact and influence of the development in understanding of Fundamental British Values for children.

We therefore aim to provide an education that enables children opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs through a greater understanding of the fundamental British values:

  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We promote these values through all that we do. We aim to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the world. We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world.

The Department for Education states that there is a need: ‘To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’.

What we do at Tenacres


What we do:

  • School Council
  • Eco Council
  • Pupil Questionnaires
  • Classroom rules are created by the pupils
  • Class members vote for representatives
  • Elected leaders for various events throughout school eg. sports captains, play leaders
  • Child led fund-raising event
  • Democracy promoted through whole school assemblies
  • Annual democracy event
  • Digital Leaders
  • Individual classrooms i.e. voting for the story at the end of the day


Children will gain an understanding of how we can all contribute to make a fair decision and make changes to our and other’s lives.

The Rule of Law

What we do:

  • Classroom rules are adhered by the pupils
  • School rules are reinforced through assemblies/Curriculum/Ethos/Values
  • Visits by the wider community – emergency services, etc
  • Playtime Friends – led by pupils-Student Council
  • Monitors
  • Being courteous (manners/politeness/social conventions)
  • Pupils rights
  • Off Site visits


Children learn to take responsibility for their own actions and understand that ‘rules and laws’ are there to keep up safe and happy. Throughout school life, children will learn that decisions they make will have a consequence. .

Individual Liberty

What we do:

  • Positive culture in school in which children are allowed choice and independence/freedom is encouraged and difference is celebrated
  • After School clubs – which reflect pupil’s own interests, ambitions and aspirations
  • ‘Achievement Walls’ to celebrate personal achievements at home and in school
  • Whole school events and assemblies which celebrate diversity and individuality – Anti-Bullying, Unique Me, Charity Events
  • Celebration assemblies – celebrating individual achievements
  • E-Safety lessons
  • Pupils are encouraged to make choices/volunteer
  • Child initiated events i.e. fundraising


Children learn to value themselves and everybody around them. They understand that everyone has different ambitions and aspirations. We learn to celebrate different talents and interests. We provide opportunities for children to broaden their interests and try new things. We create an environment whereby all children respect each other. We teach children that they are free to make their own choices within the safe boundaries of the ‘school rules’ and law of the land. .

Mutual Respect

What we do:

  • Children work in partners and groups
  • Regular parent events
  • Buddy Bench
  • Lunchtime Monitors
  • Expect respect programme/good listening/teamwork
  • Food bank collection
  • Sort’s Days
  • External sports events/competitions
  • ‘Mix up’ days (classes are made up of children from different year groups)
  • Pyramid Music events


Children learn to be supportive of other and look for similarities but also celebrate diversity and differences. We help children to recognise their own and other’s strengths. We create a respectful learning environment where children help and support each other to learn and grow.

Tolerance of those of different Faiths and Beliefs

What we do:

  • Culturally diverse curriculum
  • Black History Month coverage
  • Visits by different faiths
  • Celebrations of religious festivals
  • World Religion Day and Cultural Day celebrations
  • RE Visits


Children learn that we live in a culturally diverse world and we develop an understanding and respect of other’s beliefs. We create an environment where children feel confident to explore and ask questions about other religions and cultures.