Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

Support services for Parent and Carers

Please see the links to a range of support services for Parent and Carers. Redditch Partnership Advice Flyer Starting Well: Understanding your Child from Toddler to Teenager Starting Well: Parenting Workshops Starting Well: SEND Information Booklet Starting Well:...

Christmas Raffle

It is back – the Tenacres Christmas Raffle!  The elves have been busy creating hampers galore for the raffle.  Tickets are £1 a strip and will be on sale daily from Monday 2nd December.  Tickets will also be on sale at the various Christmas Performances over the...

Reception Reading meeting

On Wednesday 25th September Mrs Hirst (EYFS lead) and Mrs Purkess (English lead) will be hosting a reading meeting for Reception parents at 9am in the school hall.  They will be explaining how phonics is taught at Tenacres, which reading books will be sent home and...

Reading at Tenacres

  To enable your child to excel at reading, they will have school reading books to share with you at home. Their main reading book will be allocated via Phonics Bug; log in details can be found inside the front cover of your child’s home-school diary. This book...

Beauty and the Beast

We have some of our families involved in this production and we wish them all the best for the performances.  Please see the flyer for details of tickets.

This Survey Needs You!

Please see the following from Sholfins Swim School.  We continue to value the impact they have made on the swimming abilities amongst other aspects of development for our children at Tenacres.  They are passionate about increasing the limited opportunities for...
Summer Fete Raffle

Summer Fete Raffle

Thank you for the support already shown for the Tenacres Summer Fete due to be held on the school grounds –  Saturday July 6th 12pm-3pm.  Back by popular demand is the raffle.  Please see the photo for just some of the prizes on offer.  Our Year 4 children will...