Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

School Hours

The structure of our school day is as follows:

EventReceptionYears 1 to 4
School Starts8.40am8.40am
Lunch Time12.00 noon to 12.55pm12.05pm to 1.00pm
End of Day3.05pm3.05pm

These hours are in line with the requirement of 32.5 hours per week.

Children must always be supervised before the start of the school day and after being collected at the end of the school day.

Once the gates are open in the morning children are welcome to come and use the Trim Trails and the Tyre Park.  Children must be supervised at all times by the Parent/Carer/adult dropping off.

Once the school bell rings and Class Teachers come on to the playground children are to make their way inside school via their Year Group door. Reception children access school by the Reception playground and Years 1 to 4 via the lower playground.

If you have children in various Year Groups we ask if you have a child in Reception to drop them off after your other children in Years 1 to 4 in the morning.  At the end of the day please collect your child from Reception before other children in Years 1 to 4.

We ask parents to make every effort to collect their child on time. Should a parent or carer be delayed for an unavoidable reason, please contact the school office staff as soon as possible. If a different adult is due to collect your child on a particular day, you must inform the office staff or class teacher.