Our last Ofsted Inspection was in November/December 2021. It was an ‘inspection of a good school’ since we were judged to be a good school overall back in May 2016.
Once again, we were pleased to find that Tenacres continues to be judged as a good school.
Some comments from the report include:
- The school’s aim is to create a happy, nurturing, secure and supportive learning environment. It does that very well.
- Pupils enjoy going to school. They feel safe at school because staff look after them well.
- The atmosphere of the school is pleasant and orderly.
- Parents and parents say that bullying is not a problem.
- The curriculum provides a good start to children’s formal education.
- Pupils learn far more than just the content of academic subjects.
- Leaders and staff enjoy a positive relationship. They work well together for the benefit of pupils.
- Governors support the school well.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
You can read the full report below:
- Ofsted Inspection Report – December 2021