Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School


At Tenacres, in Maths we aim to sustain and develop in all children:

  • Confidence, understanding and enjoyment in mathematics;
  • An awareness of relationship and pattern, and how these can bring about a clearer understanding of a situation;
  • The ability to work systematically where the task requires a careful accurate approach, as well as the ability to show imagination, initiative and flexibility when appropriate;
  • Independence of thought and action as well as the ability to co-operate within a group;
  • Problem solving skills and strategies;
  • Master key skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Maths problem solving in Reception


Our approach to the teaching of maths

The approach to the teaching of Mathematics within school is based on:

  • At least four Maths lessons a week in Years 2 to 4 (Year 1 after Autumn).
  • Throughout the week lessons follow the structure depicted above.
  • We use a range of different manipulatives e.g. Numicon, Diennes, Cuisenaire to help children develop a solid understanding of number.
  • All children are supported to achieve in the lesson – through the use of adult supported, scaffolded learning and adaptive teaching.
  • All children are challenged according to their attainment in each lesson.
  • Maths lessons start with a Terrific in Ten session where children practice their Mental Maths skills and develop recall and efficiency. (see Mental Maths Progression document).
  • Teachers follow our Calculation Policy (see document) to ensure we are teaching in a consistent and progressive way.
  • Years 2 to 4 take parts in times table sessions regularly throughout the week, including accessing Times Table Rockstars weekly on the iPads.
  • Any children who are falling behind are supported with same day interventions, pre-teaching or over- teaching. They may also have extra interventions (such as Number Sense) to develop their basic Maths skills.