Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

Physical Education (PE)

The school enjoys the use of a good-sized sports hall, three playgrounds (two marked with teaching grids), a playing field and a wide range of apparatus and equipment for indoor and outdoor use.

We encourage all children to be active and aim to develop confidence and physical skills as the children grow stronger.

All children have two hours of PE timetabled per week and are taught skills fundamental for Dance; Games; Gymnastics and Athletics. Then in KS2 children are given the opportunity to take part in Outdoor and Adventurous activities and Swimming. They also take part in a range of tournaments and sports festivals both within school and with other schools throughout the year.

PE lessons in the school hall

Children who succeed in out-of-school activities are encouraged to show their sporting trophies/awards and to display their sporting talents in our weekly Achievement Assemblies.