Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School


Here at Tenacres we encourage pupils to be involved in many different aspects of school life and some children are chosen to take on special roles that help everyone at Tenacres.

TAPS (Tenacres Problem Solving Council)

Our School Council is always on hand to help solve a problem and make Tenacres the best it can be.

Each term, two children from each class are selected to represent their class. During weekly meetings TAPS discuss ‘bright ideas’ and ‘worries’ that other children have posted into the TAPS suggestion box. We are always impressed with the amazing ideas our children have and how they rise to the challenge of this extra responsibility.

TAPS are also responsible for helping to organise special days such as Friendly Friday, Fruity Friday and Feeling Fit Friday.

Each of the TAPS Reps are also ‘playtime helpers’.  They encourage the other children to come up with their own solutions to their problems and how they can stop these problems from happening again.

TAPS Council Members 2023/24

Recycling Monitors

Our Recycling Monitors meet every week and are helping Tenacres become more ‘eco-friendly’.

They encourage recycling and emptying recycling bins, and reminding everyone in school about saving energy by switching off lights and computers that are not being used.

Recycling Monitors 2023/24

Helpful Heroes

Each year a group of Year 4 children receive training to become a Helpful Hero.

This training helps them to understand the skills needed to become a Peer Mediator. These children are then able to support other children on the playground and help them solve problems they may have.

The Helpful Heroes encourage the other children to come up with their own solutions to their problems and how they can stop these problems from happening again.

The Helpful Heroes are supported by Mrs Hirst and Mrs Oakes.

Office Monitors

Volunteer pupils help out in the office, distributing letters around classes and collecting registers. We are always very impressed with their commitment, reliability and enthusiasm!