Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School


At Tenacres First School, we take pride in our safeguarding ethos and culture which runs throughout the school. We take safeguarding very seriously and we feel it is vital that we work together with parents, carers, families and agencies to help to keep all the children at school safe and well.

Our latest Ofsted report acknowledged ‘Pupils enjoy coming to school. They feel safe because staff look after them’.

Parents/carers are informed from when their child starts at Tenacres of our ‘Duty of Care’ in making sure that our children are happy and safe both in and out of school. This includes information contained in their child’s Home/School Diary encompassing our Code of Conduct, E-Safety, Home/School Agreement and the ways safeguarding is taught through the curriculum.

Our belief is that ‘it could happen here’ and the children’s best interest is our priority.

We work with multi-agencies where necessary to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and associated policies applies to all staff, volunteers and visitors to our school as safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

We follow the Safer Recruitment Policy and the Department of Education guidance: ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (see below). We have a Health and Safety Policy for the practical protection of children and staff and site inspections are conducted on a regular basis by the Site Manager, Leadership team and the Governing Body. We also have a Peer on Peer Abuse Policy.

All policies can be seen on our Policies and Documents page.

All staff receive extensive Child Protection, Safeguarding and Prevent training and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance appropriate to their position in school.

Our Early Help Offer details the various support the school has in place.

Key Personnel

Miss C Marshall

Ceri Marshall

Mrs R Dearden

Rachel Dearden

Mrs J Oakes

Jo Oakes

Lisa Sinclair

Lisa Sinclair

Debbie Morris

Debbie Morris

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ceri Marshall (Headteacher)
Email: head@tenacres.worcs.sch.uk

Deputy Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)
Rachel Dearden
Jo Oakes

Nominated Safeguarding Governor
Lisa Sinclair

Chair of Governors
Debbie Morris

Other than Ms Marshall, you can contact the above by email on office@tenacres.worcs.sch.uk. Alternatively, contact any of the above by phoning us at school.