Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

Vision and Aims

Our Vision

Our vision and purpose at Tenacres is for every child to have a happy, safe and nurturing environment, developing the whole child intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically and by ensuring a love of learning whilst preparing them for life after Tenacres.

Our Aims

  • To create a happy, nurturing, secure and supportive learning environment, rich in creativity and challenge.
  • Provide an environment where safeguarding is embedded in all aspects of school life.
  • To develop lively enquiring minds and a sense of awe and wonder.
  • For every child to have a voice and have their ideas and opinions heard and valued.
  • Offer every pupil full and equal access to all areas of the curriculum, taking into account developmental needs through personalised learning.
  • Help each pupil achieve the greatest possible degree of independence in the areas of intellectual, physical, social, creative, spiritual and emotional development.
  • Prepare each child for a life beyond school, encouraging respect and a sense of self worth and recognition of themselves as part of a diverse community.
  • Continue to evolve a diverse, relevant and rich curriculum for our children that values creativity and innovation.
  • Offer every pupil full and equal access to all areas of the curriculum, taking into account developmental needs through personalised learning.
  • Help each pupil achieve the greatest possible degree of independence with the areas of intellectual, physical, social, creative, spiritual and emotional development.
  • Prepare each child for the life beyond school, encouraging respect and a sense of self worth and recognition of themselves as part of a diverse community.
  • To promote effective parent partnerships to ensure involvement in children’s learning, development and well being.
  • Value all adults and pupils contributions to the school’s progress and celebrate success and achievement.
  • Ensure all adults access appropriate training and encourage development to reach their full potential.
  • For all stakeholders to be fully involved in the life of the school, evaluating impact and further develop Tenacres.

We will achieve this through:

  • Fully involving the children in decision making and their learning.
  • Children having ownership of their learning including planning of the curriculum/topic aspects, learning expectations, targets, next steps and the sharing of the high expectations of staff.
  • Ensuring positive and consistent behaviour management strategies are in place.
  • A nurturing approach in all aspects of school life including the approaches used by staff and modelling of positive relationships.
  • Values of respect, independence, resilience, responsibility are interwoven through school life, ie. assemblies, curriculum, PSHE, monitor roles, Forest Schools.
  • Through our ‘open door’ policy and celebrating achievements for all we ensure that the ethos of inclusion is for children and adults.
  • Providing wider opportunities for all, ie. extra-curricular activities, visitors, trips, pupil council.
  • Using staff and community expertise/skills to create inclusive and inspirational learning experiences.
  • Rigorous safeguarding with transparent procedures in place ie staff CPD, volunteer’s induction process, behaviour management policy.
  • Opportunities for parent/carers to be informed and involved in their children’s learning, ie. Achievement for All (AFA), parent’s evening, workshops, events, family learning, home/school diaries, newsletters, welcome meetings, website.
  • Fully utilise governor expertise and enable them to effectively support the growth of the school through their skill set.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement: To Educate and Nurture All our Children to Realise Excellence and Success

Code of Conduct

To ensure school is a safe, happy place for everyone, we ask all children to try their best to:

  • Never hurt anybody, by what they say or do.
  • Look after our school.
  • Look after their own belongings.
  • Be polite and kind to everyone.
  • Remember ‘quiet times and places’ (eg. in Assembly, walking around school, in the library).
  • Always try their best.