Tenacres First School
Tenacres First School

Year 1

Year 1 use a cross curricular approach to learning where children explore all subjects through a main topic area. During a typical week children will access mathematical activities, writing activities, phonics, PE, computing, music and other topic lessons encompassing science, humanities and the arts.

Children’s independent learning skills are developed in Year 1 as they free flow around our spacious and colourful classrooms. Each classroom includes construction, role play, investigative, creative, writing, maths and reading areas.

Year 1 staff work closely with our Foundation Stage teachers to ensure a successful transition at the end of Reception. Throughout the course of Year 1 the children’s independence and other skills are developed to gradually prepare them for more structured and formalised learning as they move through Tenacres.

Curriculum Information

Find out what we are learning each term (newest at the top):