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From Monday Tenacres is available only for the children of critical workers. The Government is very clear sending any child to school is a last resort in order to minimise the spread of Covid-19 for both children, staff and families.

If you need to send your child to Tenacres this must be in line with any shift pattern or days off you may have in the week, as it is not expected children will be with us if a parent/child care provider is available, I cannot stress that enough.

Please send me an email if you feel you are eligible to send your child in with details of your role, line manager contact details(email preferably) and details of shift pattern/ days or times you would like to apply for a space during the week.

I will contact you back and confirm all.  Children must be in school uniform, bring PE kit and appropriate clothes for Forest School each day.  ALL children will need to bring a packed lunch, drink for the day and a healthy playtime snack should you wish to. Start time and finish times are the same as a normal school day.

If we feel your child is unwell normal procedures would apply and you would be contacted.

Any further information needed please contact me via email.


Best wishes

Miss Marshall