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Following discussions we feel it is the right decision for Tenacres  that we invite our Years 2 and 3 children to return to us from Monday 6th July.  This will be in the same format as Reception, Years 1 and 4 currently.  We feel this is only fair and right that all children have had the opportunity to return to us before the summer break.

  1. Your child/ren, should you wish them to return, will be allocated either Mon/Tues or Thurs/Fri, dependent on alphabetical order, as the groups cannot mix. (Please see below)
  2. Wednesday a ‘deep clean’ between the groups will take place.
  3. The same adults are to be with the children i.e. your child’s Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant.
  4. Break times / lunchtimes will be staggered as groups should not mix.
  5. No items are to be brought in from home, apart from a lunchbox and drink.
  6. Social distancing will be encouraged, but this is extremely difficult to enforce with young children.
  7. Drop off and pick will be from the lower playground – please respect the social distancing rule.
  8.  Increased cleaning routines and stations will be in place in areas.
  9. A 2m distance will be maintained at all times at drop off, pick up and with school staff.  Any conversations with staff must be via a phone call.
  10. Children’s learning environments are still the same colourful, friendly environments and not, how at times the press have portrayed of simply a desk and chair.

If your child is clinically vulnerable, or living with somebody who is (e.g. somebody with COPD), they must not return to school and will continue home learning.  I am aware we have a few children that fall in to this category.  Teachers will continue to use SEESAW for children not returning to school and remain in contact with them.

Again, I want to reassure you that it is your parental choice if you wish your child to return.

Please see the  below for your child’s allocated days.  Confirm with your class teacher if you intend to send your child in for their allocated days – see email addresses below.

Class 2W  Monday/ Tuesday – children with surnames A to M.  Thursday/Friday children with surnames O to Z. 

Class 2B  Monday/ Tuesday – children with surnames A to Ke.  Thursday/Friday children with surnames Ku to Z

Class 3P  Monday/ Tuesday – children with surnames A to Ki.  Thursday/Friday children with surnames Le to Z.

Class 3M  Monday/ Tuesday – children with surnames A to L.  Thursday/Friday children with surnames M to Z.

If you would like to contact myself please email

Best wishes

Miss Marshall