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Class Photos


It seems a very long time since the class photos were taken in March but we finally have the proofs!

Starting today and continuing over the coming weeks children will bring a proof home with them.  Years 2 and 3 –  this will be from the 6th July.  The important information is the deadline for ordering, which is the 17th July.  This means even if your child doesn’t bring the proof home until a few weeks time you aware when the deadline for ordering is.

Ordering has to be with PSP directly via their website and not through the school.  All information will come home with the proof.  Prices start from £10.00 to £20.00.

Photos will be delivered to school in early September.  I will arrange for the Year 4 photos to be delivered to their middle school unless they have a sibling at Tenacres.

If your child is not returning to Tenacres before the summer please phone the school office and we can email you a copy of the proof.


Best wishes

Miss Marshall