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Hello all,

I hope you have had a good summer. Regarding the children returning my post on the school blog from the 17th July still stands, so please look at that post in addition to this.

On 3rd September we will be welcoming all children in Years 1,2,3 and 4 back. Breakfast Club and our Hot Dinner provider will be in operation as normal. Children are to only bring their lunchbox/drink with them (unless they are having a hot dinner)and a coat. On their Forest School day and PE days the children are to wear suitable clothing and not school uniform. Wellies can be brought in for the day for Forest School to change into. The children will be bringing their Home/School diary back on the first day with details, on the days their class will have Forest School and PE. Only a book bag and a Home School diary can be brought in from Friday 4th September which will go in your child’s classroom tray. No rucksacks etc will be permitted as we need to keep items from home to a minimum and to be stored in your child’s own tray.  No reading books will be brought home for the first few weeks. We have again subscribed to Phonic Bug Club and all children can access reading materials from here at school and home. Details will be sent home next week. Once the children have had a few weeks to settle back in to school life and routines we aim for reading books to resume to compliment Phonic Bug Club. I will let you all know when this will happen and our routines for changing books etc nearer the time.

All Children will stay in their Year Group bubbles and this will remain during playtimes and lunchtimes. The rigorous cleaning  routines will remain in place as last term and this includes the organisation of classroom resources. Hand hygiene remains a priority as children arrive in school and throughout the day.  I would appreciate it if you would remind your child of this.

Our absolute priority is to get back to school life. The teachers have been busy throughout the summer break preparing classrooms and the  curriculum for their children. As a whole school this will be focused around PSHE which includes mental well being. The first few weeks will be settling the children back in and assessing their next steps. I will keep all parents informed of all over the coming weeks. Ultimately we just cannot wait to see them all!

As usual you can contact me via

I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Best wishes

Miss Marshall