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Following on from the update on the school blog last night please see the following information.  There will be further updates over the coming days.

Remote Learning:  Further details will be sent via the blog this week regarding this and the expectations for both children accessing this at home and completing the same tasks/activities in school.  Please could you send an email to your child’s teacher via SEESAW to ensure your log in details are still valid. Information is located in your child’s Home/School Diary. If you are unable to log in please also let your teacher know via their email below.

Hedgehogs – Mrs Poynton –

Squirrels- Miss Austin –

1D- Mrs Dearden –

1W- Miss Williams –

2DH – Mrs Hirst-

2DH – Mrs Duffy –

2J – Miss James –

3W – Mrs Walters –

3M – Mrs McEvilly –

4P – Miss Parkinson –

4B Mr Beacham –

Mrs Longfils –

Mrs Oakes- SENCo –  (Please email Mrs Oakes should you need to at any point over this half term)

Free School Meals:  I am awaiting further information from the Government regarding the voucher scheme which was in place during the previous lockdown.  I will update you when I am informed.

Music Lessons –  Mrs Longfils has said that the lessons paid for will now take place in the Summer Term.  Her email is above if you would like further information.

More information regarding Remote Learning will follow over the coming days.  We are so aware that all the children have done amazingly well since their return in September and staff want to try, as much as they can to replicate this.  Teachers are finalising ways to interact with their children including potentially ‘live lessons’ for those children working from home.  Details to follow.

I would like to personally thank you, our parent/carers for your support shown particularly this week to myself and the staff.  The coming weeks/months will again be a challenge for all.  We all wish our children and families to keep safe.

Best wishes

Miss Marshall