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Good morning everybody, I hope all our families are keeping safe and well. Below is the information needed for next week whether your child is at home, remote learning or in school as a child of a Critical Worker.

Remote Learning: Thank you for sending a message via SEESAW to your child’s class teacher. They are able to see if there has been any activity on your child’s account and will be in touch if there hasn’t been over the next week. We expect if you haven’t so far this will be done over the weekend. The expectation is for your child to engage and teachers have planned for them to be able to do this, hopefully as independently as possible.

Remote learning this time will also involve ‘live lessons’, Zoom interactions with teachers in addition to activities posted. You would have seen if you have logged on your child’s teacher saying hello and explaining a little bit about what will be happening. It is fair to say Mr Beacham sees himself as a new presenter of Countryfile with the live links! This way the aim is to maintain your child’s engagement as we are wanting them to feel completely part of everything happening within the classrooms. The children in school will be having the same lessons and content to ensure consistency as much as possible for all.

I must stress if you have children in different year groups it will look a little different. It has to be approached in an age appropriate way i.e. some teachers will complete more ‘live lessons’ and Zoom interactions.  We are aware some children will not be comfortable being on Zoom at home and if this is the case that is absolutely fine, it is just another avenue we can utilise to engage children.

Teacher’s will be uploading timetables weekly so everybody at home can see the plan for the week. We are aware that some work maybe completed on a different day, again this is absolutely fine as long as your children engages.

You all have your child’s teacher’s email (see blog post from earlier in the week) so please contact them as and when required. We are still here and want to ensure contact is maintained with yourself and your child.

Critical Worker Information:

You will have been notified if your child has a place by now. The expectations and the structure of their day will be the same as a typical school day. If your child was with us during the previous lockdown they will find it a different experience this time around so please explain this information to them.

The children in school and at home will be following the same curriculum, lessons and activities as those children at home as far as possible.  We encourage parent/carers to still log on to SEESAW as all the activities your child will be completing in school will be uploaded. This way you can see what they have been doing in the day. Your child is to only complete the SEESAW activities on the day/s they may not be in attendance.

Your child has been allocated a space in their Year bubble. No other children will be added in to the bubble as we are limited for numbers and this is a vital control measure. Your child will be taught by the staff in that Year group.  All safety measures remain in place.

The same expectations for attendance applies. In addition, if your child develops any Covid symptoms please follow the same procedures. All other procedures for illness to be followed as normal.

Your child is to bring a lunchbox and a drink (please ensure these follow the expectations as normal, i.e. no fizzy drinks etc). They can also bring a healthy snack for playtime.  Only a book bag (to fit in their designated tray) is to be brought in along with their Home/School diary……no rucksacks etc-thank you).   Uniform is to be worn from Monday. I will send a text next week confirming your child’s P.E. and Forest School day. On these days your child is to wear appropriate clothing/footwear. Please also ensure an appropriate coat is worn with the colder weather.

Drop off and pick up times are the same. Drop off from 8.40am-9.00am and pick up for Reception from 2.45pm-3.00pm, Years 1-4 is 3.05pm.

All gates will be open. The one way system for Reception children remains. Years 1 and 2 to be dropped off and picked up on the lower playground as normal. Years 3 and 4 to be dropped off and picked up on the upper playground. We would encourage the use of the most appropriate gate. We understand this may not be possible if there are siblings, but as much as possible please try and do this.

Masks are to be worn at drop off and pick up time please.

Please email myself or your class teacher should you require any further information.

Best wishes

Miss Marshall