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Hello all,

Firstly, thank you all for collecting your hampers on Monday.  You all expressed positive feedback regarding the contents of the hamper both in quality and the range.  I have spoken to our caterers and relayed this to them.  The contents were based on the food provided during the lunchtimes here and I am fully aware there was food in the hamper that all the children would eat as I am present in the hall daily.   The hamper provided contrasted greatly from some of the images seen recently in the media.

I have been notified that the DFE voucher scheme which was in place during the previous lockdown will be reinstated next week.  I have been told schools will be able to place their orders in a ‘staggered approach’.  I will confirm via text message when the order has been placed and an expected timescale for the e codes to be sent to me.  Previously their was approximately a 24 hour turn around time.  Again, certain items cannot be purchased with the vouchers and I feel there will be heightened vigilance this time at supermarkets.

Please ensure I have your up to date email address if this is different from the last time. Send an email to me at

Best wishes

Miss Marshall